Massage therapist with massage table beside

Swedish Massage at Home

Enjoy moments of pure relaxation in the comfort of your home, in Lisbon and surroundings.

The Swedish Massage, a classic technique originating in Sweden, is known for relieving stress, reducing muscle tension, and improving overall well-being.

With a relaxing approach, but including adequate pressure, covering the entire body and focusing on critical points, this massage is carefully designed to leave you rejuvenated and revitalized.

Book your home tranquility session now.


Benefits of Relaxing Massage

Stress Relief

Swedish massage is known to help reduce cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress, promoting an overall sense of relaxation.

Improved Blood Circulation

The specific movements of Swedish massage stimulate blood circulation, the transport of oxygen and nutrients to cells.

Reduction of Muscle Tension

The Swedish massage technique aims to relieve muscle tension, helping to relax specific areas of the body and improve flexibility.

Enhanced Overall Well-being

The combination of gentle and relaxing movements during Swedish massage can promote an overall sense of well-being and tranquility.

Improved Sleep Quality

Many people report more restful nights of sleep after receiving a Swedish massage, due to reduced stress and muscle relaxation.

Stimulation of the Lymphatic System

Pressure movements towards the lymph nodes can help improve lymphatic circulation, contributing to the elimination of toxins from the body.

Increased Flexibility

The stretching and kneading movements of Swedish massage can help improve muscle flexibility and joint range of motion.

Release of Endorphins

Swedish massage can stimulate the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of pleasure and pain reduction.

Promotion of Body Awareness

By focusing on physical sensation during massage, individuals can develop greater body awareness, useful for relieving chronic pain and correcting poor postures.

Relief of Muscle and Joint Pain

Swedish massage can help relieve muscle and joint pain, especially those related to stress, poor posture, or intense physical activities.